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Totale donazione: €100

In these two years, thanks also to our support, Soleterre has: 

Feb 2022 - Feb 2023 (first year) 

  • activated the first airliftwhich in 3 months made it possible to transfer to Italy 139 cancer children through 17 flights. A total of 200 people were evacuated, including caregivers
  • guaranteed direct support to 14 hospitalslocated in 8 locations, providing medicines, materials and medical equipment
  • renovated and open the Shelter House in Neslukhiv in the Lviv region: 30 flats for over 70 displaced persons 
    or who lost their homes under the bombs, including children who were orphaned;
  • responded to the most urgent needs of 6,151 beneficiarieswith subsidies (603), food baskets (1747), hygiene kits (1757),
    non-food items (1508), winter kits (536).
  • provided assistance, through amobile unit at the frontthe populations of eastern Ukraine and transferred 739 seriously injured in the 
    Dnipro and Zhaporizha hospitalsensuring support psychological and psychiatric to over 900 people.
Feb 2023 - Feb 2024 (second year) 
  • guaranteed therapeutic continuity to 640 oncology children in 2 hospitals in Lviv and 1 in Kyiv
  • inaugurated the centre Unbroken KIDS able to provide in one year, treatments to 600 paediatric in-patients and 300 in 
    day hospital regime 
  • ensured full operation of the Transplantation Unitspecialising in bone marrow transplants for cancer treatment, leading to
    successful termination 10 transplants. 
  • guaranteed psychological support for children with cancer (958) and the civilian population (2479) 
  • open in Kyiv the new Dacha (Casa Accoglienza), which since its inauguration has hosted 46 families and 83 caregivers.
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